Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's The Little Victories...

While running our seven mile run this morning, coach Lea Ann said the words our little group needed to hear (and I paraphrase)..."When you're training for a half, it's the little victories that get you through it."

I couldn't agree with her more. It's those little victories I've thought about, and they are abounding around me...

This week I ran with Kevin one morning on his training program, and was thrilled to do a little less time and intervals. It was so nice to run with someone else, we were going at a nice easy pace. By the end of the run I realized that I wasn't out of breath when we finished the last interval! It was the coolest thing to see how far I've come--last January I couldn't run further than two minutes before I was ready to walk. I was actually, dare I say it outloud, proud of myself?

I find myself being able to roll out of bed before the alarm goes off. For whatever reason, I instinctively seem to be waking at 4:50am, 10 minutes ahead of schedule. It gives me the few minutes I need to wake up and attempt to start functioning, rather than doing so cold turkey. Whatever the reason is, I'm happy it happens, it's making life much easier for everyone as the day rolls on--the saying is "if mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy"....

I'm not skipping any runs anymore. I'm beginning to see how the hard work of training during the week pays off. Just that realization is worth its weight in gold.

This week I made it up two hills WITHOUT STOPPING that have kicked my backside every single day. I couldn't breathe when I got up them, and I wasn't running fast up them, but I did it without stopping. Total victory dance (in my head) when I got to the top.

I have started taking Fridays off from most activities, to give my body a good rest before Saturday morning runs. Sadly, my parts aren't as new as they used to be, and combined with sparring in tae kwon do plus all my activities, parts are wearing hip is a little elbows always kill knees have their neck is finicky....I know, I know, cue the pity party (not). I find I'm in better shape in many ways to tackle our group runs if my body's not hurting me from a pounding on Friday. Yesterday afternoon I started to notice that I was grumpy, and felt sluggish...and was getting antsy, like I just needed to 'do something'...and it dawned on me that I was MISSING MY RUNNING! This from a brain who was so convinced she wouldn't ever a blue ribbon on me, I feel like I've won the Olympics just for getting to this mindset.

This morning in our group run, as we ended down a hill, and turned left onto a flat to end, I took off! I began to think about how I'd survived the run with a smile this morning; I had looked forward to running with my coaches and teammates; I'd thoroughly enjoyed the conversations about our lives and catching up with them; I wasn't dying from the run, I actually ENJOYED IT! As these thoughts settled into my thick skull, it was as if I had my own "Sound of Music" moment on top of the hill, and instead of twirling 'round, I took off for the finish line (which also held peanut butter sandwiches and oranges there...hey it's ALL ABOUT BREAKFAST PEOPLE!) It was a joyous moment, and my feet seemed to pick themselves up with the happiness my heart was feeling.

It was a pure joy to be able to run this morning, and I am so thankful for this blessing. Little victories, my man....little victories...

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